Indian food stall feeds customers flaming hot dishes

Indian food stall feeds customers flaming hot dishes

We aren’t sure if we are bold enough to try out this dish...

Man eating paan

Be warned – this Indian paan dish will fire up your mouth!

An Indian restaurant is making headlines for serving its customers ‘hot’ food, and by hot, we mean, literally hot!

The Shukla’s food stall in Delhi, India is famous for its fire paan.

The paan is a traditional dish made of betel leaf stuffed with fillings, but what makes the Praduman one unique is that the paan gets lit and put in the mouth with the fire still burning.

But apparently, this is safe.

Owner of the stall, Pradhuman Shukla, says: “There’s nothing dangerous about it, because we have tested the fire paan on ourselves. If there was anything dangerous about it, we wouldn’t have made it. Initially the person gets scared and says ‘what is in the fire?’, then he thinks and looks at the smiling face of the person who has eaten the paan, then he says, ‘Yes the paan is normal and fine.”

Below is a video of some people trying out the fire paan. Would you try something like this? Let us know in the comments section below.

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