Man fights off huge python and wins

Man fights off huge python and wins

This must be one of the scariest things we have ever seen – a man taking on one of the longest and heaviest snakes on earth!

Man vs snake

Imagine finding a huge snake sitting on top of one of your cupboards. Scary!

Snake vs Man

While many of us would go into panic mode, this brave man chose to take on the snake.

A video that’s gone viral shows the snake attempting to attack him, but the fearless man comes up with a plan that sees him escape with his life. 

He moves around the room, and positions himself in such a way that he is able to catch the snake by the head, and prevent it from biting him.

Man vs snake

According to Daily Star, he ended up putting it in a cage.

Man vs snake

Have you ever had a scary encounter with a snake ? Share your story with us in the comment section below.

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