Mayfly storm takes over Louisiana gas station

Mayfly storm takes over Louisiana gas station

Every year at the beginning of summer people in Louisiana can expect a brief but terrifying meeting with huge swarms of mayflies. The insects are proof that nature is as intimidating as it is majestic. 

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People who pay close attention to the signs that nature gives know that there are several ways to tell when the seasons are about to change. It could be a slight dampness in the air or a later sunset or, in the case of Louisiana's residents, it is a huge migration of mayflies. 

The insects, which spend up to a year in a "nymph stage" in large bodies of water, come up to the surface when they are matured and cause a fair amount of chaos in the area. Recently, a huge swarm of mayflies descended on a filling station, completely covering the entire area.

The scene looks like something out of an apocalypse-themed movie.

Thankfully, the mayflies don't stay around for too long: the insects only live for between two minutes and two days. 

This yearly meeting with this force of nature, brief as it may be, is a reminder of the terrifying majesty of nature. 

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