South Africans really do have the biggest hearts

South Africans really do have the biggest hearts

A family was given dinner on the house because South Africans really do have the biggest hearts.

Life can sometimes throw a few curveballs your way, especially if you have kids, like forgetting your pram at home on a shopping day, for example.

This is exactly what happened to Thashlene Govender from Durban.

She sat down at a Durban restaurant and had to eat her pasta standing up while holding her little one after a full day of shopping.

ALSO READ: 10 ways to save on your grocery bill

“By then we were pretty tired as we’d been shopping with her in our arms‚” Thashlene said.

When the bill came‚ they could barely believe their eyes. On it were the hand-written words: “Thank you for your support. Your bill has been paid for by the owner.”

Restaurant bill

The restaurant owner said to ConsumerLive: “It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision to give a little pleasure. We could see the woman was battling to eat with the small baby‚ and we just thought we’d make her day better.”

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