Watch this wildebeest courageously escape the clutches of a lion

Watch this wildebeest courageously escape the clutches of a lion

A safari group on a game drive in Kruger witnessed a battle between a wildebeest and a lion.

wildebeest v lion
Youtube screenshot

You can count yourself lucky if you have ever had the opportunity to witness a lion in its natural habitat. These kings and queens of the jungle are magnificent to watch, and any game drive that features a lion sighting is sure to be a memorable one. 

This is even more so if the battle you witness places the lion up against a very strong opponent. 

For Hannes Joubert of Polokwane, the battle between a wildebeest and two lionesses proved to be quite thrilling. Hannes tells that he was part of a group that was travelling towards Olifants Camp when they spotted two lionesses stalking a wildebeest. 

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The group settled in to watch as the lions approached the buck, hoping to zone in on a kill. To their surprise and delight, the wildebeest fought back valiantly. The lions gave chase, and the wildebeest locked its horns into one lioness's legs. The battle lasted for one hour. 

The wildebeest spun around in a dust bath and got itself loose. Eventually the lions walked away. 

Hannes said: "I am happy the wildebeest got away as lions cannot always win."

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